
How does nuiloa use Persuasion tech?

Through continuous predictive model training, nuiloa’s digital patient service reps learn to influence patient behavior and compliance.

Our A.I. reps learn and adapt to the patient’s motivations using algorithms, statistical models, and automated A/B testing to analyze and draw inferences from patterns in scripts, patient responses, frequency, channels, demographics, diagnosis, and other data.

Persuasive Technology Using Computers to Change What We Think and Do

Persuasive Technology Using Computers to Change What We Think and Do

Can computers change what you think and do? Can they motivate you to stop smoking, persuade you to buy insurance, or convince you to join the Army?

“Yes, they can,” says Dr. B.J. Fogg, director of the Persuasive Technology Lab at Stanford University. Fogg has coined the phrase “Captology”(an acronym for computers as persuasive technologies)

Designing Multi-Device Experiences: An Ecosystem Approach to User Experiences across Devices

Designing Multi-Device Experiences: An Ecosystem Approach to User Experiences across Devices

Welcome to our multi-device world, a world where a user’s experience with one application can span many devices—a smartphone, a tablet, a computer, the TV, and beyond. This practical book demonstrates the variety of ways devices relate to each other, combining to create powerful ensembles that deliver superior, integrated experiences to your users.

Designing for Behavior Change Applying Psychology and Behavioral Economics

Designing for Behavior Change Applying Psychology and Behavioral Economics

Designers and managers hope their products become essential for users—integrated into their lives like Instagram, Lyft, and others have become. Such deep integration isn’t accidental: it’s a process of careful design and iterative learning, especially for technology companies. This guide shows you how to apply behavioral science—research that supports many products—to help your users achieve their goals using your product.

Innovation: The Five Disciplines for Creating What Customers Want

Innovation: The Five Disciplines for Creating What Customers Want

Nothing is more important to business success than innovation . . . And here’s what you can do about it on Monday morning with the definitive how-to book from the world’s leading authority on innovation

When it comes to innovation, Curt Carlson and Bill Wilmot of SRI International know what they are talking about—literally. SRI has pioneered innovations that day in and day out are part of the fabric of your life,